Monday, March 16, 2009

RadioIndy is pleased to present The Lily Pond Orchestra with a GrIndie Award for the CD "On The Wings Of A Dragonfly"

RadioIndy is pleased to present The Lily Pond Orchestra with a GrIndie Award for the CD "On The Wings Of A Dragonfly"

"On The Wings Of A Dragonfly" is an upbeat ambient new age concept album from The Lily Pond Orchestra. Douglas JP Lee is the orchestrator of The Lily Pond Orchestra, composing and creating all of the instrumental sounds you hear on the album. Lee has a way with formulating a broad concept for an entire album and sticking with it throughout. "On The Wings Of A Dragonfly" is no different as Lee embraces the outdoors and nature with an ode to the emergence of springtime in New England. The result is an upbeat, peaceful, and meditative sound that fully embraces and captures the essence of nature. The album is well-produced and sounds excellent. "Mossy Green and Turquoise" has some great keyboard work that creates a soundtrack to the sprouting of life and if you close your eyes you'll visualize these colors. "Mourning Cloak" is about the subject of inspiration for the entire album, the flapping of a butterfly's wings as it floats slowly away. "On The Wings Of A Dragonfly" is aptly titled, as it makes the listener feel as though they are floating through the springtime. Fans of ambient new age, be sure to pick this one up.

-Chris & the Review Team
Check out The Lily Pond Orchestra's music on with link to purchase and links to popular sites